Civil Relief System for Adverse Drug Reaction Injury Viewed from Perspective of Japan's "Quinoform" Drug Injury Event 从日本奎诺仿药害事件看我国药品不良反应民事救济制度的完善
On the Relationship between Civil Compensation and Work Injury Insurance in Accidental Work Injury 论工伤事故中工伤保险与民事赔偿关系
An Analysis of Some of the Problems of Civil Liabilities in Environmental Injury; On the Exclusion of Infringement in Environmental Civil Proceedings 环境侵权民事责任若干法律问题探析环境侵权救济中的排除危害责任研究
The essential differences between medical action and non-medical consume service are about the implementing subject, the content and character as well as the principle to determine the legal responsibility and civil compensation in personal injury. 医疗行为与非医疗的消费性服务行为之间在实施主体、行为内容和性质、损害的归责和赔偿原则上都有着本质的区别。
Firstly, this chapter discusses the source of Civil Compensation and Industrial Injury Insurance, based on its historical origin and development; 首先从工伤保险制度的历史沿革来探讨工伤保险制度与民事赔偿制度之间的渊源;
Analysis of School Civil liability for Tort in Campus Injury Accidents 校园伤害事故中的学校民事侵权责任探讨
The thesis discusses the doctrine of liability fixation of the civil tort and its practical application in the students 'injury accident in terms of the cause and some relevant factors of the students' injury accidents. 本文根据学生伤害事故的原因,结合影响学生伤害事故归责的因素,阐述了民事侵权归责原则在各种学生伤害事故中的适用。
Research into the Civil Liability of Middle Schools in the Cases of Students 'Injury Accidents 中学生伤害事故中学校民事责任问题研究
About allocated-principles giving testimony liability in students having no capacity for civil conduct injury incidents, there are serious disputes in the academic circle. 学理上和立法上,无民事行为能力学生人身伤害事故中的举证责任分配存在较多分歧;
An Argument on the Civil Liability from Electric Injury between Power Supplying Corporations and Power Consumers 论供电企业与电力用户电击损害民事责任
On the Basic Features of Civil Tort Responsibility for Injury Accidents in Primary and Secondary School 论学校事故侵权民事责任归责原则的基本特征
The indemnification of the Human body injury belongs to the scope of the civil case law norm adjustment, the student Human body injury of campus caused by the infringement behavior, the infringement injury indemnification undertaking infringement responsibility. 人身伤害赔偿属于民事法律规范调整的范围,学校学生人身伤害是侵权行为造成的,侵权伤害赔偿承担的是侵权责任。
In order to meet the need of the progress in society and law, the civil law of our country has applied the spirit injury compensation to special property right, identification right and all the personality right, including specific personality right and com-mon personality right. 为顺应社会发展及法律进步之需要,我国法律全面地将精神损害赔偿适用于特定财产权、身份权及所有的人格权,包括具体人格权和一般人格权。
The Liability-laying Principle of the School's Civil Liability in the Student ′ s Injury Accident 学生伤害事故中学校民事责任的归责原则
On the Civil Responsibility of School in Personal Injury Accidents of Middle and Primary School 中小学生人身伤害事故中学校的民事责任
The author discussed the civil duties of schools and teachers in physical injury by the methods of case analysis and comparative study. 采用案例分析和比较研究的方法对学生体育伤害中学校和教师的民事责任进行探讨。
Administrative power can guarantee civil rights, but it often easily injury civil rights. 保障公民权利,需要行政权力,但行政权力又往往容易侵犯到公民权利。
For our country, this issue mainly concern the includes the relationship between the death damage compensation under the civil law system and the "Work Injury Insurance Regulations"," National Compensation Act "and" Regulations on Handling Medical Accidents "and other relevant provisions. 对于我国而言,这个问题主要包括民法规定的死亡损害赔偿制度与《工伤保险条例》、《国家赔偿法》以及《医疗事故处理条例》等相关规定的关系。
At the same time, the industrial injury and characteristics of both civil tort, industrial injury insurance and how to coordinate the relationship between civil tort compensation, the problems need to be solved. 同时,工伤损害兼具民事侵权的特征,如何协调工伤保险和民事侵权赔偿的关系,也是当前需要解决的问题。
The author analyzes the defects of dealing with civil disputes caused by light injury cases and combines with the reality and proposes some related suggestions. 通过分析处理民间纠纷引起的轻伤害案件的不足,结合实际提出相关建议。
In dealing with the concurrent of industrial injury insurance compensation and civil tort injury compensation of others, both-obtaining pattern should be established in our country. 在处理工伤保险补偿与第三人民事侵权损害赔偿竞合问题时,我国立法应当确立部分双赔模式。
Before the "Tort Liability Act," introduced, the. Doctrine of liability fixation can be only found from the "Civil Law"," Student Injury Treatment "issued by the Ministry of Education and other legal documents. 在《侵权责任法》出台以前,关于学生伤害事故归责原则,只能从《民法通则》、教育部颁布的《学生伤害事故处理办法》等法律文件中寻找依据。
In addition, this chapter also discusses other potential liabilities that may incurred in maritime personal injury and death accidents, including liability arising from the breach of contracts, and situations involving no civil liabilities such as national compensation and occupational injury insurance. 此外,还讨论了除侵权责任外,可能产生于海上人身伤亡情形的其他赔偿责任,如与侵权责任可能构成民事责任竞合的违约责任,以及在民事赔偿范畴之外的国家赔偿和工伤保险赔偿。
Due to the financial circumstances of the crime of the spur of the moment type of criminal is divided into general civil type and serious injury from light to heavy. 因财起意的犯罪情节由轻到重分为一般民事类型和严重的人身伤害的刑事类型。
Yet within the process of civil aviation transportation, the death or injury to passengers frequently happen and this will bring to the passengers and their relatives great mental pains so as to impact their daily life. 在民航运输过程中,经常发生旅客人身伤亡事故,这些事故很大程度上将会造成旅客及其亲属的精神痛苦,以致影响他们的日常生活。
Through analyzing the connotation of industrial injury liability concurrence, it is known that the concurrence belonging to different scopes of law in broad sense, which is suitable to this condition between the industrial injury insurance compensation and civil tort injury compensation. 论文分析了工伤赔偿责任竞合的内涵,认定了工伤保险补偿与民事侵权损害赔偿的竞合属于不同法域中的广义竞合。
In the case of medical malpractice disputes, how under the civil procedure and substantive law provisions, combined with medical injury disputes, law of the case, an accurate grasp of the allocation of the burden of proof is very important. 在审理医疗损害纠纷案件中,如何根据民事程序法和实体法的规定,并结合医疗损害纠纷案件的自身规律,准确把握证明责任的分配显得尤为重要。
Industrial injury insurance from civil tort system development, and civil compensation for personal injury compensation system of industrial injury insurance system, and closely, the two system in the settlement of industrial injury accident to solve industrial injury accident is very important. 工伤保险从民事侵权制度中发展而来,民事人身损害赔偿制度和工伤保险赔偿制度有着千丝万缕的联系,明确这两个制度在解决工伤事故中的关系对于解决工伤事故至关重要。
The total number of civil compensation cases of work-related injury insurance is small, but as the difficulty of the agency of the work-related injury insurance, it plays an important role in the protection of injured workers lawful rights and maintaining social stability and harmony of great significance. 工伤保险民事赔偿案件总数虽然不多,但作为工伤保险经办中的难点工作,其对保护工伤职工的合法权益,维护社会的安定和谐,意义十分重大。
The compensation for mental injury has been recognized and supported according to the civil law in our country while in civil suit collateral to criminal proceedings the requirement for the mental injury compensation is not allowed. 我国的民事法律规范对公民遭受的精神损害予以承认和支持,但是在刑事附带民事诉讼中却不允许被害人提出精神损害赔偿的请求。